Do It Again – BONUS POST

The Biden-bashing of Fox News never ends. Here’s a little ditty– a recap of his first 6 months in office (unaffiliated with anyone at Fox):

sung to the tune of “Do It Again” with apologies to Steely Dan.

In your first term
you go reversing
your predecessor’s every action,
and you SIGN executive orders
till your hand ends up in traction.
But your enemies are still angry
so they smear your every move,
bringing UP your old scandals
and the new ones funders approve.

Yeah, back you go, Joe, do it again.
Deals turning round and round.
Back you go, Joe, do it again.

No oil PIPEline and no Wall,
a stop-GLObal warming plan.
ReJOIN the worldwide groups
and repeal the travel ban.
Pay lip service to GUN control,
though every day there is more sorrow.
On guns, you have no power.
Won’t change today, or tomorrow.

Yeah, back you go, Joe, do it again.
Deals turning round and round.
Back you go, Joe, do it again.

Meet the Queen and world leaders,
make speeches and brag-about bills.
But YOU and your fellow leaders
still have border troubles and ills.
You kept HANDing out the money
to every voter and his brother.
With an eye to reelection
you’re just a prez like any other.

Yeah, back you go, Joe, do it again.
Deals turning round and round.
Back you go, Joe, do it again.